

Affordable, human-like AI for dubbing and translation.
Audio GenerationFreemium

Our tool offers an affordable and reliable AI dubbing and translation experience, with a human-like touch. Say goodbye to expensive translators!

1) Which languages are supported?Rask currently supports the following languages for output videos: German, French, Spanish, Chinese, English, and Portuguese. No matter what language the source video is in, we can provide localization in these languages. If you don't see your desired language listed, please let us know and we'll be happy to consider adding it for you. Simply send us a message with your request.
2) Is there a free trial available? Yes, you can try our service for free for 14 days. You can cancel at any time during the trial period without any obligation.
3) Is it possible to change my plan later on? Yes, you can change your plan at any time by selecting a new one from within your account settings page. If you upgrade your plan, the changes will take effect immediately.
4) Is it possible to cancel my subscription at any time?Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any point. Simply go to your profile and cancel on the account page. Even if you do cancel, you will still have access to all premium features until the end of your current billing cycle.
5) Why can't I upload my video?We are currently in beta testing and have limited infrastructure capacity. While our algorithms work well, there may be times when our servers are overloaded. If this occurs, we will notify you and issue a refund before your subscription period begins.
6) I have used all of my credits before the start of the next billing period. How can I get more?You can add more credits at any time without changing your plan.